
Summer Employment Opportunity

Al Arqam Islamic Centre

Summer Employment Opportunity

We are seeking individuals who are passionate about teaching and learning. Are energetic, resourceful, and creative in their pursuits of creating learning opportunities, building connections, and engaging with children and families.

The candidate must possess or be will to learn the following skills and accountabilities associated with this role as follows:

· Planning and implementing Quran and Islamic Studies Programs.

· Observing and documenting children's learning.

· Building relationships with families and including them in the learning process.

· Working as part of a team with Co-workers, Families, Community Partners, and Children.

· Ensuring the safety of staff and children by learning and acknowledging all children's diverse needs, backgrounds, and creating equitable opportunities for all children to engage.

· Demonstrating respect for spaces by ensuring the safety and cleanliness of all equipment, furniture, and materials.

The right candidate should have strong leadership qualities, enjoy taking initiative, possess diplomatic communication skills in difficult circumstances, and have experience teaching Elementary students. Genuine warmth and love for guiding children and their families.

Number of Positions:

4 Student Opportunities.

1 Adult Opportunity.

Job Type: Temporary, Full-time.

Salary: Minimum wage.

Work Location: In person

Please email resume to:

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